Friday, August 20, 2010

Renew Google's License in China

Did you know ?
The clip below would about what the Google did ?

Google was the website that we often used to find some many informations to do something. If you are the student like me, I thought Google can help you to do many things. For example, you can use it to do your project, and it can help you in studying and so on. On the other hand, there were another several advantages of Google that you do not know. If this website closed, where we can find the information that we need. One way that could make Google still available to use was the renew Google's license. Therefore, I would like to tell you about Renew Google's License in China.

China's Ministry of Technology Industry said they renewed Chinese operating license of Google website that an announcement made by the company Guxiang, the one of 200 websites management company in China. That license was post on the ministry's website ( ) It said that the company received the improvement, but they did not give more details. Xinhua news agency reported that the purpose of the license was "abide to Chinese law", because they did not want people think that they needed to spread an unappropriate content.In addition, Guxiang also accepted that the government would control the right to supervise the content.

In my opinion, I hoped so much that this license would be available to use, because it could effect to sveral people in country.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cloning Panda

I have ever been read about science technology. First of all, that technology was about cloning which was the way to make new things in nature by asexually. It means like you did not need eggs or sperms from mother and father.

The research showed that China was the country of saving giant pandas. Chen Dayuan, a scientist who specialized in cloning at the Academic of Science in China suggested about techniques of cloning giant pandas in 1998.

They could clone an animal from the animal kingdom in the forest. In the section of panda, they thought it was very interesting because they had modern techniques in cloning. And they expected that it possible to do a research about panda.

However, China used to clone pandas for 2-3 years ago, but it was not successful. The balance and some factors could affect to cloning process of scientist. Even though, if science institution in China worked with the government to save panda's cells and took them to the call bank to cloning, the process would become more faster.

In my opinion, cloning was not the best way to save the type of animal. In the future, if we had just cloned animals, it made wa cannot say that was the real animal. On the other hands, if we tried to find another solution that could the animal had long life. I though it batter than you considered to clone them.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Mulan animation movie by Walz Disney that was a story about the heroine of China. She had to be a replacement of her father to fight in the war. And now, you will see Mulan in new look !

In this year, we will see Mulan film again but in 3D. It very wonderful that there were several productors need to create more different version of this movie. They matched a characters of Mulan, and they decided Zhang Ziyi was the perfect actress.

However, one more person that would be a part of this movie might be Wang Leehom who was a popular singer and hot man in China.

For tha man actor, the Chinese American young man "Leehom Wang" would be an actor in Mulan 3D. He said he did not contact with a producer already but he hoped that he would get an opportunity to work with Zhang Ziyi.

I think it should fun and special in 3D becuase Mulan never made we disappointed. See you soon.

Some original soundtract from Mulan. I hope it will help us to remind our memory about her.

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Stephen Chow

Do you see the picture above ? Some of you might be confuse and did not know a person who was in this picture. That was a reason that made I should tell you immediately.

Zhou Xing Chi (周星驰) or Stephen was the one son of the family. His family's mainland was Shanghai before they moved to Hong Kong. After he graduated from high school, he applied to TVB company for working but it decline. So he decided to be a student of the TVB show and he became a moderator of "430 Space Shuttle" and do successful.

In 1987, his first film was come. He was a actor in The Price Of Growing Up and Final Justice, it made he became popular and got a prize in The Best Male Star. He always worked hard and had a good performance, until 2001 that he succeeded in his film The Kung Fu Hustle (You can know it from the first picture)

"The Kung Fu Hustle" the most popular film of Stephen, I will show you a trailer.

Not everyone that would succeed in achievement their goal, but if you had enough effort and try hard. I think it's not too difficult to catch a dream.

Environment's Issue

I thought the environment was very significant to our life, because we could not live without supporter like environment. When the environment's issue was happen, what would we do ?

The Chinese reporter said rivers and lakes in China which were contain several pollutants in high level did not become better. Quarterly Report of China warned to people in China that since the beginning 2007, Cina's air quality and water quality ware continue to decline. And they could not control and maintain a balance between protection of environment and industry development.

Last week, environmental conservationist told that people in China should help as thier aptitude for example, the teacher might be teach about an environment's conservation in classroom.

Previously, the Chinese government said the protection of emvironment was the most important mission that had to be done first. Included to reducing pollution and energy efficiency development but they could not do it until now.

In my opinion, I thought every country had their own issues. In this case, Chinese government shold solve this immediately as soon as theu can. It was not only China that had an issue like this, all country of the world had too. However, I thought we had to meet something that more scary, something that was a result of "Global Warming"

Please Check the Weather Before You Leave Home

Seasons in China were divide into four seasons.


Spring (approximately monthly from March to May. Temperatures around 10-22 degrees Celsius).


Summer (approximately monthly from May to August. Temperatures around 22 degrees Celsius or above).


Autumn (approximately monthly from September to October. Temperatures around 10-22 degrees Celsius).


Winter (approximately November - mid March Temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius).

The time that appropriated to travel to China was spring because you would see several views and felt warm at the same time. I thought it was a good thing that Thailand would has spring too, because I felt so sad when summer came.

Elections in China

Over the past, communist party had an experiment with elections to choose leader positions in villages in rural areas. The local elections were hold in 60 percent of province area and it had no elections that held beyond the town level.

In 1987 Election law entered into rural areas and they knew that several people in rural voted local communist party members out of office.

It was normal that it would has a few violence in an election in China, because they thought a person that they chose who was the best.

In my opinion, I thought Chinese Government should solve this issue as soon as they can before it cannot solved in the future.

The clip below would show you a violence of Chinese people in election.

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Communist !!

China was the country that had several political parties and there were many communist parties in China.

Communist Party of China
People in Republic of China lived with socialist system. Therefore, communist China that had 68 million members became a institutions that had authority to set policy areas according to Marx Lenin, Mao Zherdoong and Deng Xiaoping. In China, government and Parliament had to follow the conclusion and party policy. They had signifacant role was assign to the National Assembly Party.

Standing Committees of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee
Hu Jintao

Wu Banggua

Wen Jiapao

Jia Chinglin

Zheng Chinghong

Li Changchun

Top 3 Multinationals in China

Falkswagen Company

20 years ago, automotive investment company in China produced several factories at Xianghai and Changchun(towns in China).

Nowadays, Falkswagen Company has top investment funds more than eighteen thousand nine hundred million yuan and produce 5 brands of car such as; Sunnata, Pasat, Polo etc. Therefore,Falkswagen Company became a biggest automotive company in China that had several customers. China was the second big market of the world and in 5 years later, they thought they would develop their companies to become better than the past.

Boeing Company

The history of cooperation between Boeing and China was start in 1972 that Boeing company had management training on the fly to create the security for the flight. At the same time, they also controlled the service system for the passengers to have more comfortable. Moreover, Boeing company coorperate with other countries to become an international that people would know and accept around the world.

Microsoft Company

Microsoft Company has entered into China since 1992, they built several pioneer organizations to become subsidiary of the perfect performance Microsoft in abroad.

Until now, Microsoft company had invest more enterprises in China and the total value of production exceeding 1 million state of dollars per year.

Clip below wouls show you about Boeing that was a popular brand in China.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sicnificant Economy

After China established on 1949, the Chinese economy developed very quickly. Chinese economy became the sixth of the world economic range followed by U.S.A, Japan, Germany, England and France.

Industry in China’s economy

Industry in China started developed since early 1950 after new China established on 1949. On 1978, China developed complete industrial economy in basic level, especially in Petroleum oil industry and Chemical industry that developed quickly than the others. Since the late 1970 that industry development in China growth was as high as 10 percent or more.

During the development in 50 years, the volumes of production in industrial were higher and it made coal, iron and steel, chemical fertilizers in agriculture and television became the first product in China. China not only produced aircraft boat and car only but they also produced satellite and Modern industrial equipment industry with the independent technologies in high level.

Agriculture in China’s economy

China is the country that had the largest population in agriculture, it made agriculture became a significant thing in Chinese economy. Although China had land area nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers but the most significant product of agriculture in China were rice, wheat, corn etc.

China more focused on agriculture investment by giving more income to farmers. They thought they would not achieve a development in agriculture if they did not pay attention with investment and farmers.

In my opinion, the economy was very signifacant thing in every country but it depended on their management that good or not. However, I thought economy in Thailand would become perfect and complete in the future.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waterways ~

There are several navigable rivers in China, especially in Southern China. They link many major cities together. Moreover, the geography and location of China were very significant for their transportation. This feature made China had a good quality in transportation.

Yangtze River Corridor Development

Advantage of water transportation in China.
- Water transportation had less of an impact on the environment than rail or road highway.
- Water transportation avoided a traffic issue in an urban.
- Water transportation conveyed overweight stuffs from one place to the other places.

Although water transportation might slower than the other ways but I thought this way would transfer a stuffs or products with safely.

The clip below was “The Golden Waterway” and it was the major river in China.

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Roads and Highways in China

In the past, the transportation of China was not so comfortable. Until 1990 the Chinese government invested in highway system that had the main highway was the National Trunk Highway System. The National Trunk Highway System consisted of building expressways to link all the major cities with each other. This system was very significant element of the transportation network in China. It was a new system of highway called the“7918 Highway Network” that designed by connecting all capital cities and large urban centers together. Chinese government thought the 7918 Highway Network would help the people from an urban can access an expressway within half an hour.

In my opinion, it was difficult to people who lived in rural areas for coming or transported something to basic roads in China. The geography of their country posed an obstacle for them. However, I thought the Chinese government should focus on this issue and try to solve it immediately.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University (清华大学 or Qīnghuá Dàxué) was located in Haidian, northwestern of Beijing. Tsinghua was the one of famous university in China, it was an important center for studying in university level and science’s research. This university was focus on Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and teaching Chenese language for foreigners and it also had an exchange students with the other universities in abroad such as the United States, Japan, Korea etc.

International Students

Tsinghua University was participated between the other countries for exchange program. First time that Tsinghua university obtained an foreign students which came from Europe was on December 1950, there are 15 students that participated with this program. Now,Tsinghua university had 35 courses for bachelor degree, 84 courses for master degree and 64 courses for doctoral degree. Study plan for a foreign students would included 220 important courses that applied with English. The international students of Tsinghua University might got a Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS), Beijing Government Scholarship (BGS) or Tsinghua University Scholarship (TUS). It was a scholarship that included an accommodation,meals and medical insurance etc.

In my opinion, it was a good way if Thai university would exchanged students with Tsinghua university because I thought this university had a good study plan and good location for study. However, i hope that one day Thai students could had an opportunity to go there.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Education in China

In china, an education was separate to three kinds are Higher education, Adult education and Compulsory education. The law of China; all children have to get an education at least nine years.
Compulsory Education
It includes to Kindergarten Education Elementary and Secondary Education. All children will spend three years in kindergarten life until six years old. After that, they will get into Elementary education until they were in Junior high school. It is the end of Compulsory education. In one year, there are two parts of education. For some children that want to study more, they have to test for get to the High school education or to the Vocational education.
Higher Education
Higher education separates to the Diploma course duration 2-3 years of undergraduate four years (five years in the Faculty of Medicine. Engineering And science) in master's degree and 2-3 years in the three years degree. Higher education in China has many parts in each faculty. Whether the study has no certificate or mixing of education degree and graduate diploma together.
Adult Education
It is a part of formal education that you can get more knowledge than Basic education and Higher education.

Ping Pong (乒乓球)

There is one more kind of indoor sport that is table tennis. I think that everyone knows what is it but few of people will know all of it. In this case, I am going to tell you about an indoor sport like table tennis in China.

Ping Pang Qiu is the official name for the sport of table tennis in China. We often see a competition of table tennis in any variety on TV show and Olympic. I think there were a lot of table tennis players that have a good ability because when I saw Olympic Games, I often see a player from China play with an interesting act. It is a main point of them, because their acting can show us about how was his/her can win the games. I always see childhood and youth from China who participates in any competition. Although they will not win in every time but they can sustain excellences in table tennis playing until now.

The clip below would show you "Top 10 Ping Pong Shots of All Time"

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I am Houston Rockets.

When I talk about sports. I know you would have some kind of sports in your mind such as badminton, football or one more sport that is basketball. In China, basketball becomes a main sport which people so proud because they have a good basketball team in their country.
There are many reasons that make basketball becomes popular in China, I think the most important thing is China has a strong basketball team. And all of them have a good potential for practice their basketball skills.

I am the one that when somebody says about basketball, I will think about Yao Ming(Yáo Míng or 姚明). Yao Ming is a person who plays for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is the tallest player in the NBA, at 2.29 m. He had participated in many basketball competitions and he won all of it.

In my opinion, I think the basketball team of China can not success witout Yao Ming. Because he has a special ability in basketball playing, and he was born to be the tallest player in Asia. In the clip below, you will see "Yao Ming Top Ten Plays" in different act.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Little Chicken

Mc Donald, KFC, its all have chicken meat. Most people are only eating chicken but they do not think about how it becomes a chicken. In this can, I will tell you how it becomes a chicken. There are 20 steps but I going to tell you only 7 steps for making you understand clearly.

How about your feeling when you see this process ? In my opinion, I feel so petty them because it so difficult to be a chicken. And it cannot live for a long time, there are many people killed them for eat when they grow up. Therefore, I want you to eat it less. It does not mean vegetarian.

How to be happy all time ?

Do you want to be happy all time ?
I want to be like that because if I feel serious, it makes me become older.
Now, I have 3 tricks to tell you that how to be happy all time?

One - you need to consume good foods.
Your body will bring all nutrients that you get and changes to be energy. If you eat only good and clean food which have a lot of benefit, your body will not use much energy to burn fat.

Two - just laugh everyday
Laughing is a special medicine for your life. Laugh when you feel good and happy, not too serious every day.

Three - always walk
You should not walk so fast or run but just have an exercise with walking. It helps about your skill of body and your respiration. You may be walk about 20 minutes per day.

I think you do not need to do all of this, you felling is follow your thinking. If you have a positive thinking, you will always happy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Abandoned Island in Japan

Hashima is far from Nagasaki about 15 kilometers. On 1890-1974 Hashima used to be the most popular island. A big company in Japan “Mitsubishi” buys Hashima Island in 1890 for drill petrol. But in 1960, petrol becomes popular than a coals. It makes a coalmine on Hashima closes too. In 1974 Mitsubishi announces to close a mines, that reason make a people on Hashima Island are immigrant from that island. Hashima has change from popular island to an abandon island or the name that people called “Ghost Islands”

Which water do you choose to drink ?

Are you thirsty ? When you feel thirsty, you will find something to drink but in this case. I think you maybe not thirsty.

The price of Isklide is 567 baht, this water come from Denmark. It is a mineral water that discover at Messo. I confirm that it is really clean and pure water because it’s not easy to obtain it. You need to drill under the land for 50 meters. Isklide is suit to drink with steak in a nice package of 1 liter.

There is the most expensive water in the world “Bling H2O” although It doesn’t have a special process to become water. But Bling H2O has a precious package with a crystal, Swarovski etc. And it comes with a slogan “Your water is your soul”

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Are you too fat ?

What should you do if you are look like this picture ?
I think in this case, this trick can help you. You will decrease your weigh in 7 days but it so difficult to me. I f you want, you can try it.
First Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and vegetables.
Dinner - Steak and salad with juice.
Second Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and a slice of bread.
Lunch - Pork steak and salad.
Dinner - Boiled ham.
Third Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and 2 slices of bread.
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and salad.
Dinner - Boiled ham.
Forth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and a slice of bread.
Lunch - One boiled egg and carrot.
Dinner - Fruits and natural yogurt.
Fifth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - Fish and boiled vegetables.
Dinner - Steak and salad.
Sixth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - 2 pieces of roasting chicken.
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs and carrot.
Seventh Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - Fruits.
Dinner - Can be any food.

If you can do it all, I think you will look slim soon. But if I do it all, I will die for sure.


I think many students are stress about admission because they can’t get a good score. I get a pole from website; there are top ten faculties in this year.

Number 10 is the Faculty of Political Science 3.36%
Number 9 is the Faculty of Management Science 4.33%
Number 8 is the Faculty of Nurse 4.81%
Number 7 is the Faculty of Law 8.17%
Number 6 is the Faculty of Marketing 8.65%
Number 5 is the Faculty of Engineering 10.10%
Number 4 is the Faculty of Computer 10.10%
Number 3 is the Faculty of Business Administration 12.02%
Number 2 is the Faculty of Medicine 18.75%
And number 1 is the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy 19.71%
Are you a part of it ?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


See You Soon :)

Mr.Teera Manomaipibool says “On May, 15 2010 we will allow to take a BRT to anyplace and now we finish it 99%”BRT will run only on the right line for avoid the cross point on any road. In this case, a BRT will open well on May, 15 2010 and you can take it free until August, 31 2010. After that, you must pay 10 Baht for every termination. BRT can solve a cars problem in the same line more than 5000 cars/day.

How Old are You ?

Amazing ! The girl in a picture, I know you think she just baby. But it’s wrong she is 17 years old. The reason that makes her body look like a baby is about Brook Greenberk’s DNA. Scientists say “In this case we will discover new knowledge about aging and maybe we will can cure it soon”
However, I think this problem will not happen with us.

Killed a virus with “1 Button”

Are you bored that your computer or laptop has fixes many times? The main reason is from a virus that you can’t clean it in a little time. I have one technique that can help you to kill a virus from flash-drive. Just only one button will help you, it’s Shift button. First, when you want to put flash-drive into your laptop, do not put it quickly. Second, press shift button while you put your flash-drive, and you have to wait about 10 minutes, in this time your laptop will check virus in your flash-drive. After that, click on My computer ---> Tools ---> Folder Options ---> Views. Finally, it will show you hidden files and you must delete it all and you will finish it.

Nice Place Around Us :D

When you have come to Bangkok, please do not forget to visit “The Human Imagery Museum” that locates on Nacornchaisee Rd. In this museum, you will see many wax figurines that very amazing. I confidence that it’s worth to visit there, because in this place it has many kinds of wax figurines. An example a monk in Thailand, Thai composer like Soon Thorn Pu, lifestyles in the past etc. And you don’t have to pay so much and you can go there every day that you want to.

Open every day !
Mon-Fri : 9 A.M.-5.30 P.M.
Holiday : 8.30 A.M.-6 P.M.
Adult : 50 Baht
Child : 40 Baht
If you wear a uniform : 20 Baht