Saturday, August 14, 2010

Environment's Issue

I thought the environment was very significant to our life, because we could not live without supporter like environment. When the environment's issue was happen, what would we do ?

The Chinese reporter said rivers and lakes in China which were contain several pollutants in high level did not become better. Quarterly Report of China warned to people in China that since the beginning 2007, Cina's air quality and water quality ware continue to decline. And they could not control and maintain a balance between protection of environment and industry development.

Last week, environmental conservationist told that people in China should help as thier aptitude for example, the teacher might be teach about an environment's conservation in classroom.

Previously, the Chinese government said the protection of emvironment was the most important mission that had to be done first. Included to reducing pollution and energy efficiency development but they could not do it until now.

In my opinion, I thought every country had their own issues. In this case, Chinese government shold solve this immediately as soon as theu can. It was not only China that had an issue like this, all country of the world had too. However, I thought we had to meet something that more scary, something that was a result of "Global Warming"

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