Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to be happy all time ?

Do you want to be happy all time ?
I want to be like that because if I feel serious, it makes me become older.
Now, I have 3 tricks to tell you that how to be happy all time?

One - you need to consume good foods.
Your body will bring all nutrients that you get and changes to be energy. If you eat only good and clean food which have a lot of benefit, your body will not use much energy to burn fat.

Two - just laugh everyday
Laughing is a special medicine for your life. Laugh when you feel good and happy, not too serious every day.

Three - always walk
You should not walk so fast or run but just have an exercise with walking. It helps about your skill of body and your respiration. You may be walk about 20 minutes per day.

I think you do not need to do all of this, you felling is follow your thinking. If you have a positive thinking, you will always happy.

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