Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stephen Chow

Do you see the picture above ? Some of you might be confuse and did not know a person who was in this picture. That was a reason that made I should tell you immediately.

Zhou Xing Chi (周星驰) or Stephen was the one son of the family. His family's mainland was Shanghai before they moved to Hong Kong. After he graduated from high school, he applied to TVB company for working but it decline. So he decided to be a student of the TVB show and he became a moderator of "430 Space Shuttle" and do successful.

In 1987, his first film was come. He was a actor in The Price Of Growing Up and Final Justice, it made he became popular and got a prize in The Best Male Star. He always worked hard and had a good performance, until 2001 that he succeeded in his film The Kung Fu Hustle (You can know it from the first picture)

"The Kung Fu Hustle" the most popular film of Stephen, I will show you a trailer.

Not everyone that would succeed in achievement their goal, but if you had enough effort and try hard. I think it's not too difficult to catch a dream.

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