Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Little Chicken

Mc Donald, KFC, its all have chicken meat. Most people are only eating chicken but they do not think about how it becomes a chicken. In this can, I will tell you how it becomes a chicken. There are 20 steps but I going to tell you only 7 steps for making you understand clearly.

How about your feeling when you see this process ? In my opinion, I feel so petty them because it so difficult to be a chicken. And it cannot live for a long time, there are many people killed them for eat when they grow up. Therefore, I want you to eat it less. It does not mean vegetarian.

How to be happy all time ?

Do you want to be happy all time ?
I want to be like that because if I feel serious, it makes me become older.
Now, I have 3 tricks to tell you that how to be happy all time?

One - you need to consume good foods.
Your body will bring all nutrients that you get and changes to be energy. If you eat only good and clean food which have a lot of benefit, your body will not use much energy to burn fat.

Two - just laugh everyday
Laughing is a special medicine for your life. Laugh when you feel good and happy, not too serious every day.

Three - always walk
You should not walk so fast or run but just have an exercise with walking. It helps about your skill of body and your respiration. You may be walk about 20 minutes per day.

I think you do not need to do all of this, you felling is follow your thinking. If you have a positive thinking, you will always happy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Abandoned Island in Japan

Hashima is far from Nagasaki about 15 kilometers. On 1890-1974 Hashima used to be the most popular island. A big company in Japan “Mitsubishi” buys Hashima Island in 1890 for drill petrol. But in 1960, petrol becomes popular than a coals. It makes a coalmine on Hashima closes too. In 1974 Mitsubishi announces to close a mines, that reason make a people on Hashima Island are immigrant from that island. Hashima has change from popular island to an abandon island or the name that people called “Ghost Islands”

Which water do you choose to drink ?

Are you thirsty ? When you feel thirsty, you will find something to drink but in this case. I think you maybe not thirsty.

The price of Isklide is 567 baht, this water come from Denmark. It is a mineral water that discover at Messo. I confirm that it is really clean and pure water because it’s not easy to obtain it. You need to drill under the land for 50 meters. Isklide is suit to drink with steak in a nice package of 1 liter.

There is the most expensive water in the world “Bling H2O” although It doesn’t have a special process to become water. But Bling H2O has a precious package with a crystal, Swarovski etc. And it comes with a slogan “Your water is your soul”

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Are you too fat ?

What should you do if you are look like this picture ?
I think in this case, this trick can help you. You will decrease your weigh in 7 days but it so difficult to me. I f you want, you can try it.
First Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and vegetables.
Dinner - Steak and salad with juice.
Second Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and a slice of bread.
Lunch - Pork steak and salad.
Dinner - Boiled ham.
Third Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and 2 slices of bread.
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs and salad.
Dinner - Boiled ham.
Forth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar and a slice of bread.
Lunch - One boiled egg and carrot.
Dinner - Fruits and natural yogurt.
Fifth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - Fish and boiled vegetables.
Dinner - Steak and salad.
Sixth Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - 2 pieces of roasting chicken.
Dinner - 2 boiled eggs and carrot.
Seventh Day :
Breakfast - Coffee or tea with no sugar.
Lunch - Fruits.
Dinner - Can be any food.

If you can do it all, I think you will look slim soon. But if I do it all, I will die for sure.


I think many students are stress about admission because they can’t get a good score. I get a pole from website; there are top ten faculties in this year.

Number 10 is the Faculty of Political Science 3.36%
Number 9 is the Faculty of Management Science 4.33%
Number 8 is the Faculty of Nurse 4.81%
Number 7 is the Faculty of Law 8.17%
Number 6 is the Faculty of Marketing 8.65%
Number 5 is the Faculty of Engineering 10.10%
Number 4 is the Faculty of Computer 10.10%
Number 3 is the Faculty of Business Administration 12.02%
Number 2 is the Faculty of Medicine 18.75%
And number 1 is the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy 19.71%
Are you a part of it ?