Wednesday, May 12, 2010


See You Soon :)

Mr.Teera Manomaipibool says “On May, 15 2010 we will allow to take a BRT to anyplace and now we finish it 99%”BRT will run only on the right line for avoid the cross point on any road. In this case, a BRT will open well on May, 15 2010 and you can take it free until August, 31 2010. After that, you must pay 10 Baht for every termination. BRT can solve a cars problem in the same line more than 5000 cars/day.

How Old are You ?

Amazing ! The girl in a picture, I know you think she just baby. But it’s wrong she is 17 years old. The reason that makes her body look like a baby is about Brook Greenberk’s DNA. Scientists say “In this case we will discover new knowledge about aging and maybe we will can cure it soon”
However, I think this problem will not happen with us.

Killed a virus with “1 Button”

Are you bored that your computer or laptop has fixes many times? The main reason is from a virus that you can’t clean it in a little time. I have one technique that can help you to kill a virus from flash-drive. Just only one button will help you, it’s Shift button. First, when you want to put flash-drive into your laptop, do not put it quickly. Second, press shift button while you put your flash-drive, and you have to wait about 10 minutes, in this time your laptop will check virus in your flash-drive. After that, click on My computer ---> Tools ---> Folder Options ---> Views. Finally, it will show you hidden files and you must delete it all and you will finish it.

Nice Place Around Us :D

When you have come to Bangkok, please do not forget to visit “The Human Imagery Museum” that locates on Nacornchaisee Rd. In this museum, you will see many wax figurines that very amazing. I confidence that it’s worth to visit there, because in this place it has many kinds of wax figurines. An example a monk in Thailand, Thai composer like Soon Thorn Pu, lifestyles in the past etc. And you don’t have to pay so much and you can go there every day that you want to.

Open every day !
Mon-Fri : 9 A.M.-5.30 P.M.
Holiday : 8.30 A.M.-6 P.M.
Adult : 50 Baht
Child : 40 Baht
If you wear a uniform : 20 Baht